Power vs Authority

We must never confuse power with authority.

Satan may be able to knock you down and he has more power than you. But he has absolutely NO authority over you if you are a Christian. Of course, Satan knows that but he doesn’t want you to know it. So, Satan tries to intimidate you with lies and deceive you into believing he has authority over you.

On the cross Jesus Christ deactivated, dismantled and disarmed Satan’s rule over sin and death (Colossians 2v13-15). God gave the ultimate authority to His Son. He has placed all things under the authority of Jesus Christ.

One of the reasons we often don’t live in light of this truth is because we confuse the terms ‘power’ and ‘authority’. Satan still has power. He still dominates the world in which we live and has destructive tactics. But he doesn’t have final authority. Jesus alone has the authority. Jesus is exalted ‘far above all rule and authority and power and dominion’ (Eph 1v21)

Satan will try long and hard to hinder our relationship with Jesus and get us to ignore the authority we have in Christ Jesus. For you to gain access to the authority which comes through the perfect union of Jesus Christ – bringing heaven to bear on earth – you must abide in Him. To abide means to dwell, to align your thoughts, choices and perspectives. It means connecting with Him and honouring Him in everything you do.

This is such an important part of the victorious Christian life. You can go to all of the Church services, read all the spiritual books, even do daily bible studies but experiencing all God has planned for you comes only through aligning yourself under and abiding in the one who reigns over all, the exalted Jesus Christ!

Today live in the authority over all things that Jesus Christ won for you on the cross!

‘And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them at the cross’ Col 2v15

An article by Mark Waterfield