
At Cherish, we want to provide a space for Women of the church to develop and nurture Godly friendships.

  • To build a culture of intention to love and build relationships.
  • For women to grow in faith and know their identity in Christ. – outside traditional roles as a wife, a mother, and a daughter.

At our last breakfast, we heard about the differences and challenges between a Godly and worldly friendship.

Topic: Friendships (Ruth 1:16-17)

What if the world’s idea of friendship is selling us short of the relational joy we were created for?

We search into 3 foundations for Godly friendship. We believe we are being sold short of the relational joy we were created for in friendships when…

  • we aren’t willing to be vulnerable, keeping each other at a distance and not asking deeper questions.
  • we try to fit friendships into our schedules and lives and aren’t willing to be interrupted or give up things we believe to be most important for the sake of others.
  • we let fear, moving, and change of circumstance stop us from fully investing and committing to a friendship.

How can we be people who experience the relational joy we were created for from vulnerable, sacrificial & committed friendships?

Attendance Form

Sign Up to Cherish Women’s Breakfast. A place where women grow in faith & identity in Christ.

Please fill out the form below if you want any more information.
  • Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements