What is Your Starting Point? – (Part 11)

This week Mark Waterfield continued our series through Ephesians

The Greek word for love, used in Ephesians 5, is ‘Agape’

Agape is a selfless, sacrificial and unconditional love.

Selfless & Sacrificial Love 

Husbands to love your wife selflessly and sacrificially:

Christ is our example
Be imitators if Christ
Love your wife as yourself


Start with your wife and not me.
What are her needs?

Don’t give up, go again.
When we fail, go again.

Celebrate your bride
Celebrate what they are good at.


Marriage is a partnership, it is no longer me, it is now WE
Follow the lead of a husband who mirrors Christ.

Be filled with the Holy Spirit, for it is only possible with God’s help.

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