The Miracles of Jesus – (Jesus triumphs over the devil every time)

Mark 5:1-20

In the gospels we see that wherever Jesus goes there’s a reaction, Jesus stirs things us, always has and always will. The holiness of Jesus brings out a reaction in the evil and stagnation of the world around us.

Today we’ll be focusing on verse 7 and here are 3 things to note from this verse:

  1. Jesus triumphs over the devil every time
  • Jesus and the devil are directly opposed, Jesus is truth, Satan is a liar and Jesus’ mission was to destroy Satan once and for all – 1 John 3:8
  • On the cross Jesus died and rose again, cancelling the curse that happened in the garden of Eden.
  • Jesus trumps Satan every single time! And Satan knows it and then like in v7, asks to be left alone.
  • This is often his scheme today, Jesus is transforming lives in church but Satan says just leave me alone to get on with what I’m doing, because he knows Jesus wins every time. That’s why there’s a reaction when we mention Jesus’ name or offer to pray for someone in Jesus’ name.
  • Often Satan knows the power and authority of Jesus more than we do ourselves as Christians, we must not be discouraged when trials and demonic oppression comes, because Satan is defeated.
  • We need to bring the name of Jesus to set the captives free and bring the light of the gospel.
  1. Jesus can set everyone free
  • No one is too far or too troubled to be set free, so why is not everyone set free?
  • So many people want to be left alone in their sinful life, they dread any change so they avoid Jesus.
  • Some people would rather not know. They say don’t tell me that I’m wrong and need rescuing, I’ve got a right to live my own way. A lot of us might have thought that way but Jesus and those around us didn’t leave us alone.
  • People think becoming a Christian is a kill joy. However Jesus brings joy and life and the majority of Christians are joyful and happy because they know they’ve been set free.
  • People think they’re too far gone. In Mark 5 this man lived in a gentile region and had a legion of demons inside him, but Jesus still gave him his attention and time. Jesus can bring freedom to every single person in this world.
  1. Jesus changes lives
  • This story is one of the clearest before and after pictures of meeting Jesus. Before he was a crazed man, filthy looking, riddled by evil and after he sits clothed, in his right mind and at peace. Jesus changes lives.

The first question to think about is will we receive Jesus as our saviour? The gospel is good news for all people but comes with a question, will we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved? Will we accept or reject?

The second question is do you want to be set free? Whatever your past or issues we have now, Jesus desires to set you free. At the name of Jesus your set free, nothing and no one is too far gone.

Jesus always beings a reaction, Jesus triumphs over the enemy, Jesus desires to set everyone free and Jesus changes lives.