Ridiculous Faith (p.6) – Claim the Spoils of War

The siege of Samaria

2 Kings 6:24-33 7:1-2

In times of famine people are extremely desperate, many people lose morals and lose restraint. v28-29 gives us a snapshot into the intensity of the famine, they discuss eating their sons, sieges drive people to make choices they don’t want to make.

Can we identify times of siege in our life? Where hope and life has been squashed and dried up, perhaps a siege around our finances, jobs, relationships etc.

In v33 the King asks, why should I wait on God? Sometimes we try to force our way out of the siege and make things worse by trying to deal with it ourselves or sometimes we blame God and ask, how could you allow this to happen?’

But even then, God in his love, still has a good word for us. God promised through Elisha, an abundance and drop in food prices even though the King blamed him. We need to change our thinking of God, he is a loving, gracious, merciful God.

Imagine having leprosy in a famine, it would seem like there’s no hope. What would be your reaction if you had leprosy and were in a siege? Where do you go when you have famines in your life, when the enemy’s put sieges around your money, friendships, marriage, jobs? What’s your knee jerk reaction? Do you run to escapism? Avoid it? Run to self-reliance? Let’s challenge ourselves to run to Jesus and his word, keep our eyes fixed on him, let that be our knee jerk reaction. For the bible has incredible amounts of wisdom on how we can overcome and be victorious in our Christian walk.

2 Kings 7:3-20

In v3 the leper’s took a bold step of faith. We must remember that Jesus has already dispersed the enemy, the enemies camp is empty and this is what the cross did, it emptied and disarmed the devil’s camp

Colossians 2:15

When the leper’s arrived they saw that the spoils were there ready to be taken, while the Israelites were struggling with the famine, God was already dealing with the enemies outside. We also can claim the spoils that Jesus won on the cross, by trusting that God’s done it, that he’s conquered the enemy on the cross and by holding onto God’s promises. The grace of God is for us, the Love of God is for us, because Jesus Christ defeated sin on our behalf.

It’s time for us to wake up from our slumber and take hold of Gods promises. Jesus didn’t shed his blood for nothing, let’s claim those spoils. The enemy doesn’t want us to know how powerful God is, but the more we read God’s word the more we’ll know what he’ll do.

Colossians 1:13

Romans 4:16

Romans 10:11

Romans 8:14

The leper’s also share the spoils. We too should share the gospel, the world needs Jesus despite what popular culture says. The world is in under siege from the enemy and the only way out is through Jesus. So let’s share the spoils of war with the world.

Famine will come, spiritually, emotional, relationally and even physically. Our job is not to avoid the famine but to have faith in the famine. Because Jesus has won the war already, claim the spoils, we are victorious. Step out, be bold, have ridiculous faith and see that the enemies camp has been decimated.