How Do I Hear The Voice of God?

How do I hear the voice of God?

Why is it important to hear the voice of God?

  1. Proves you are a child of God, John 8:47
  2. Protects you from mistakes
  3. Leads us to a productive life and to all his plans for us

Two foundations to hearing the voice of God:

  1. We are in a relationship with God
  • Being a Christian is about being in a relationship. In the bible there are two pictures of our relationship with God, first as our heavenly father and secondly as our heavenly bridegroom. From these pictures in the bible we know that they love to spend time together and go through everything together, the good and the bad.
  • You’ll struggle to hear God if you don’t understand he is interested in every area of your life, have a conversation with him, he’s longing to talk to you.
  1. Submitting to the voice of God
  • Some of us hear God, but we do what we want to do instead, but our ways are not his ways and his ways are higher than our ways.
  • Good example of this with Moses, when God spoke to him in the burning bush, Moses had to learn how to submit.
  • In Exodus 4:1-5 God is teaching Moses to submit to him and give him everything. As Moses’ staff was very important and God asked him to lay down your income, identity and influence and give it to me and as you do my plans and purposes will come alive.
  • God says this to us as well, what’s in your hand? Submit it to God and things will come alive.

Practically how do we hear the voice of God, Habakkuk 2:1-2 is a helpful template.

  1. Withdraw
  • We need to spend time alone with God, Habakkuk climbed a watchtower, Jesus withdrew on a mountain, find the place where you can be alone with God without distractions.
  1. Wait
  • Habakkuk stationed himself in the tower, he stayed there and didn’t move. Hurry is the death of prayer and listening to God, it takes time to hear the voice of God.
  1. Read the word of God
  • Habakkuk looked out to see what God will say to him. The bible is God’s word and God’s will is primarily found in the bible, the bible is the primary source of how God speaks to us, Rick Warren said ‘Stop waiting for a voice and look for a verse’.
  1. Write it down
  • Habakkuk chapter 1 is what he said to God, chapter 2 is what God says back. It will be so encouraging to look back on the answers to prayers that you’ve written down.
  1. Review regularly what God has spoken to you
  • Here are some helpful questions to review what God is saying.
  • Is it consistent with the bible?
  • Will it make me more like Jesus?
  • Do the church family confirm what God is saying?

God is speaking and we are designed to hear the voice of God and it happens when we’re in a relationship and in submission to God. Are you listening to him?