Hidden Figures – Barabbas – (p3)

Hidden figures – Barabbas

Mark 15:7-15

  1. Who is Barabbas?
    • He was a notorious rebel
    • Guilty of murder
    • Robber (John 14:10)
    • Violent insurrectionist
  2. We are Barabbas
    • We’re thieves (Exodus 20:15)
    • We’re murderers (1 John 3:15)
    • We’re rebels (Hosea 7:13)
    • We’re a faulty image – we’re made in the image of God but we don’t always demonstrate that (Genesis 1:27)
  3. How do you use your freedom?
    • We are released from the penalty and power of sin. We stand right with God through Jesus.
    • How do we use that freedom?
    • Christian liberty – Galatians 5:1
    • Living sacrifices – Romans 12:1-2
    • Glorify God in body and spirit – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
    • Let’s start to live victorious for Jesus.
    • If you don’t know this freedom, there is hope! Jesus has taken your place!
    • John 4:10
    • Jesus not only takes our place but gives us a new place.

John 14:6

Will you choose the switch with Jesus?