God’s Heart – He Bridges the Gap

God’s heart displayed clearly on the cross


At the cross God have everything


Cross – displays the love of God (God loves me)

Cross – God dealt with my sin & defeated Satan

Cross – Restored my relationship with God


  1. The cross is the abundance of God for each of you


Jesus on the cross gave everything for me – what are you willing to give back to him?

Come & live out of abundance of the cross – live the fullness of God

Abundance of God at the cross – marriage, problems, difficulties,

Live out of the Abundance of the Cross


  1. The Cross bridges the gap


Jesus always bridged gaps e.g. wedding in Canaan, Peter short of money, Peter’s character fell short, Paul – message of the cross

The cross bridges the gap – at work, relationships, etc……

Jesus bridges the gap of inadequacy to need being fulfilled

Rely on God to bridge YOUR gaps