All Things Are Possible – The Life of Abraham (Part 1)

We often think we have limits or lids on our lives e.g. finances, health etc. but in 2020 at Hope we want to think about how all things are possible.

Abraham was the father of faith, but the great thing about him was he wasn’t perfect and he made big mistakes but he demonstrates through his life that with God all things are possible. When we first meet him his name is Abram and he was an ordinary person, nothing particularly special and like his culture and those around him he was a pagan and an idol worshipper.

Genesis 12:1-3

The journey of Abraham shows us that all things are possible.

  1. All things are possible by the grace of God – Abraham did not seek out God, God sought out Abraham. The story begins with grace and God’s initiative to a pagan idol worshipper who had done nothing to deserve God’s favour. God wants to speak over us that all things are possible, it’s possible because God does it, because he opens doors, releases finances, saves our friends and family, it is initiated from God, we can’t do it on our own.
  2. All things are possible when we trust him – Abraham obeyed and left his home and the life he knew, even though he didn’t know where he was going. In 2020 if we want to fulfil all that God has for us and to smash through the limitations we feel are on us then we have to trust God, even though we won’t know everything about the future. In Genesis 12:2-3 God gives an unconditional promise and in 2020 how you respond to God’s promises will determine what God does with your life. Abraham did many things wrong but something he got right was he responded to God’s promises and stepped out even though he didn’t know where he was going, he responded in faith. Will you respond to God’s promises? If you will God will do incredible things in your life.
  3. All things are possible when we are ourselves – Abram was an ordinary pagan nobody, but God had a purpose for his life. God also has a purpose for our lives, our lives matter, whatever our gift, whatever our situation, whatever our struggles and for that purpose to be fully achieved God wants to use you as you. In the bible we find unique flawed characters, Paul, Moses, David etc. but it’s in their flawed characters that God achieves incredible things. In 2020 lets not try to be anyone else, lets be who we are, in our weaknesses, struggles and failures, all things are possible if we’re true to who we are.