Peace? At This Time? – (Meditation & Spiritual Discipline)

Peace? At this time? Week 4


Philippians 4:4-8


This week we’re looking at the fourth of Paul’s tools, which lead to peace – meditation and spiritual discipline.

  1. To celebrate and rejoice
  2. To ask
  3. Thanksgiving
  4. Meditation and spiritual discipline

We didn’t choose where we were born, our family or that we’re going through this pandemic, but we can choose what we think about and meditation refers to what we’re thinking and dwelling on.


Proverbs 4:23

Our thoughts have consequences, if we want healing from anxiety it requires healthy thinking. Because Satan wants to lead our thought pattern to a place where everything is exaggerated and irrational.


2 Corinthians 10:5


One of the biggest tools against anxiety is logic, so when anxiety comes think logically and clearly, capture the thoughts and bring the problems to God. Then remind yourself of every biblical promise you know, I am a child of God, the Lord is sovereign, the Lord is in control etc. Focus on the truth and nothing more. Psalm 113:2


In Philippians 4 Paul uses 8 different ways to tell us to meditate on what is good. But it’s an ongoing battle to take control of our thoughts, there will be good and bad days. On those bad days battle them with worship, prayer, thankfulness and meditating on what’s good. The circumstances may not change but your mind will be at peace.


John 15:4-10

It’s clear in this passage that God is the Gardner, Jesus is the vine and we are the branches and if we abide in Christ we will bear fruit. The secret to an anxiety free life is to abide in Christ, hold onto the one who will never let go.


Christians battle anxiety, it’s a reality of life and it’ll come and it’ll go, but we’re not called to stay anxious, there’s a way out and Philippians 4:4-8 is a roadmap to peace.


Give your worries and anxieties to God and leave them there.