Peace? At This Time? (Gods Promise for Peace)

Peace at this time

Philippians 4:4-8

Over the next few weeks we’ll look at 4 things that Paul challenges us to do in these verses and If we do what Paul challenges us to do, the promise is that we’ll receive peace.

  1. To celebrate and rejoice
  2. To ask
  3. Thanksgiving
  4. Meditation and spiritual discipline

First challenge – celebrate and rejoice

    • Where do you find shelter in these challenging times? In these verses Paul was in a difficult situation as well and still tells us to rejoice.
    • But how can we rejoice in these bad times? These verses say to rejoice in the Lord, rejoice in the confidence that God exists, God is good and God is in control.

There are 2 sturdy truths that we can rejoice in:

  1. Rejoice in God’s sovereignty
    • At this time we’re not in control of so many aspects of our lives and this can cause anxiety. The bible says don’t seek total control of your life, rather entrust it to God.
    • Hebrews 1:3
    • God’s answer in these troubled times is that heaven has an occupied throne and we can find peace in the sovereignty of God.
    • Isaiah 6:1-3 (The Message)
    • God calms the fears of Isaiah and the nation of Judah not by taking the problem away but by reminding them that He is on the throne.
  1. Rejoicing in God’s grace
    • At the moment we have a lot of time to look at the past and remember what we’ve done and to feel guilty.
    • Paul had many reasons to feel guilty because of his past, but he gave his guilt to Jesus and surrendered to him.
    • Philippians 3:7
    • We will face many anxieties, now and in our life ahead. But as a Christian we should not face the anxiety of guilt because the cross dealt with it once and for all.
    • If you have unresolved guilt then Jesus can deal with that now, He can forgive you and start a new chapter.

In this global pandemic we can choose to ether get stuck in the anxieties of what’s going on around us or to rejoice in God’s sovereignty and say that God is in control.