Ingredients for a Miracle

Miracles of Jesus part 5 – Ingredients for a miracle

John 6:1-15

In this story we see 3 ingredients for a miracle:

  1. You
    • We don’t know anything about the boy, we only know that he was in the right place at the right time.
    • God’s provision and miracles nearly always come through people, God provides the right person at the right time to do the miracle. And in our life we are the one that God will use to provide, protect and encourage others.
    • The disciples initially laugh at the boys packed lunch and question how something so small could be useful and this is what happens to so many of us. We come to God and then hear a voice in our head saying who are you, you’re weak, who are you in a city of so many people. But Jesus says you can be used by God whatever you have to offer, what is mocked by man is used by God.
    • The devil is afraid of what we can do so he tries to stop us doing anything, even the little things we can do he his afraid of. Do not despise the small, the little or the baby steps, when we do those little steps they bring about a miracle.
  1. Offer up what you have
    • The boy is willing to let go and part with what he has, he could have kept it to himself but he offered it up.
    • So often there’s a voice that says look after number one before you help others, but no, we’re to offer to Jesus what we have.
    • Anything that we take from ourselves and give to Jesus is well invested, time, talents, finances etc. However little or much we have, offer it up to Jesus. Don’t focus on what you cannot do instead offer up what you have.
    • In verse 11 we see Jesus take the small lunch and in the hands of Jesus the multitudes are fed, when our ordinary comes into contact with Jesus then all things are possible.
    • We rarely get new gifts or abilities but Jesus gives us power to use miraculously the gifts and talents we already have and he will bless it in incredible ways.
    • Jesus accepted the loaves and fishes because they were brought willingly. Whatever you willingly give to Jesus he will say ‘thank you, let me multiply and use what you’ve given me’.
  1. It unveils Jesus
    • In verse 14 the crowd was reminded them of the Israelites in the wilderness and the miracle of mana coming from heaven. The people were longing for a rescuer and as the bread increased so did their wonder, the boy and his lunch revealed Jesus to the multitudes
    • When we give our loaves and fishes to Jesus a miracle can happen and He can be revealed to many.
    • A miracle at its’ core and heart is to reveal Jesus to the world and we have the greatest calling ever, to be used by God to reveal Jesus to others.

The challenge this week is to think what can you do for Jesus this week? Whether old, young, rich or poor, however little or big, what can we do?

Take some paper and pray and write down what are your loaves and fishes, what are you going to offer up to the Lord this week. And when you’ve written it down go and do it and give it to Jesus’ hands.