Exodus – God With Us (Part 3) – The Blood of the Lamb

Reading: Exodus 7-12

This is the story of God’s judgement on Egypt and on the god’s of Egypt. The first nine plagues didn’t touch the Israelites but the last one would affect them all. The judgement would affect everyone, but God gives the Israelites a way out.


1. The blood of the lamb is my salvation

  • The Israelites had also fallen short, they were as guilty as the Egyptians. But even when you’re guilty the love and compassion of God still finds us and that’s what Passover is.
  • No matter whether we get it right or wrong, whatever the circumstance we can go into God’s presence because of Jesus’ death on the cross.


2. The blood of the lamb transforms

  • The Israelites had been in slavery for over 400 years and that’s al they knew and sometimes in our lives we go through painful times where we can’t see the end.
  • In Exodus 12:1-2 God resets time, the Israelites thought they could never catch up as the Egyptians have over 400 years ahead of them. But God says he’ll restore the years the locusts have eaten, so we don’t need to worry about money, we don’t need to envy others or hold onto bitterness. We can stand tall because God is in control, not man.
  • When we’re in those hard times hang in there, for it is the Lord who can transform your situation.


3. The blood of Jesus delivers me

  • Each plague attacks a specific Egyptian god. In today’s society there are modern gods, self-help, power, money, fashion, self-sufficiency etc. There are different gods who hold sway over us, but the God of Israel, the blood of Jesus Christ, sets us free.
  • Satan thought he’d put an end to it all when they killed Jesus, but our saviour is still alive! And when the enemy comes looking for us, we have the authority to say pass-over.


It is the blood of the lamb that brings our salvation, transformation and deliverance.

Will we put our hope entirely into the blood of the lamb?