Dying Words of Love (p6) – It is finished

John 19:30

“It is finished”

These are Jesus’ last words on the cross and for Jesus, getting to this point had been spiritually, emotionally and physically draining.

Jesus’ whole life and ministry had been leading up to the cross, the thousands of prophecies in the Old Testament, the battle against Satan, it was all finished at this moment and it was something that never has to be done again.

How can we use this knowledge that it is finished in 3 areas of life?

  1. It is finished – I have certainty in salvation
    • We have no reason to doubt our salvation or relationship with God.
    • The curtain was torn and the barrier between man and God was taken down.
    • Whatever we’re going through it need not shake our certainty in salvation
  2. It is finished – I have a victory in my battles
    • The bible is clear that Christians will go through personal battles, but our bodies are now a temple for the Holy Spirit.
    • What is it your battling, where do you need help? Don’t try to solve these problems in your own strength, ask the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide us, teach us, bring encouragement, joy, freedom and so much more.
    • Having the Holy Spirit’s help doesn’t mean our lives will be perfect, but Jesus said it is finished so we can be confident that we’re not alone in our battles.
  3. It is finished – I have victory in the world
    • We’re called to proclaim the good news and to love our neighbour. This can be hard and we need our spiritual armour to win this victory.
    • We are now temples of the Holy Spirit and the best thing the enemy can try to do is dim our light. But because of Jesus’ victory we can go into the world and it doesn’t matter how big our light is, it’s whether we turn up.
    • We may be unsure what we can do in this current situation, but let’s come to the Holy Spirit for wisdom

Jesus died on the cross and provided everything needed for us to be saved, for our personal battles and for the world around us.