Christmas Unwrapped – Part 2

This week Mark Waterfield continued our series ,Christmas Unwrapped’

We may have heard the Christmas story many times over the years, we may have heard preachers focus on the different Characters in the story (Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Angels, Shepards, Wise Men & Herod)

But, how does this story impact us today?

There is one character in the Christmas story that is present throughout the story. One Character that takes centre stage and one character that make Christmas possible.


We look at how the Holy Spirit impacted 5 people in the Christmas story and how that is relevant to us today.


Zechariah doubted God. We may look down on Zechariah because of this, however we are like Zechariah.
Because of this Zechariah was unable to speak.
When his son, John, was born Zechariah had his tongue loosened and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and started prophesying.

Holy Spirit gives us a second chance.
We doubt God but the Holy Spirit gives us the chance to go again


Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit when Mary visit her. She cries out an encouragement to Mary telling her she was caring the messiah.

The Holy Spirit uses us to encourage others
We can do more when we are encouraged

John the Baptist

John was filled with the Holy Spirit when he was still in his mothers womb. The mission before him was so great that he was filled with the spirit before he was born.

Holy Spirit gives us the power to do what God has called us to do.
Ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit at every step


Jesus was born not of the flesh but of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit comes upon Mary and Mary then praises God.
Instead of worrying she turns to praise.

Holy Spirit leads us to praise
When we praise there is no room for worry


Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon that he would not die before he had seen the Messiah.

Holy Spirit helps us to persevere
Holy Spirit helps us to keep hold of God’s promises

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